14° Workshop AGILE Science

We are pleased to invite you to the 14th AGILE Science Workshop entitled


to be held in Rome, ASI Headquarters
Sala “Cassini” – via del Politecnico snc, Roma
20-21 June, 2016

The workshop is aimed at providing an update and discussion of the most recent developments in high-energy astrophysics and terrestrial physics
connected with AGILE mission.

A series of talks will cover the following topics:

* State of the AGILE Mission
* Prospects for Gravitational Wave Research
* Galactic High-Energy Astrophysics
* Extragalactic High-Energy Astrophysics
* Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes and Meteorology
* Particle Properties in the Inner Magnetosphere
* Future Gamma-Ray Missions and Experiments

The scientific program and logistics information will be available shortly at the workshop website: http://www.asdc.asi.it/14thagilemeeting
and it will be communicated through a Second Announcement.